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The RAA program is applicable to research administrators who perform essential tasks associated with proposal submission and grant management after the award.
Research Administration Academy (RAA) is a certificate program applicable to most levels of grant management. It is designed to provide grant managers at Duke ...
A new educational and professional development opportunity for research administrators and those managing research activities at the University.
The Research Administration Program is an online, 12-session program built for participants who want to move into research administration roles.
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The PSOM Research Administration Training Academy is currently not accepting cohorts. Please refer to our newsletter for an updated listing of open learning ...
NYU Training Resources Includes the following: Research Administrators' Forum, Research Administration Academy, CITI, and Research Finance Support.
Kuali Research training classes focus on proposal data entry, uploading documents, budget creation, data validation, and submitting the proposal for review.
Research Administration offers many training opportunities for anyone involved in research at AU. While it may seem overwhelming to begin a career in research.
Provide ad hoc trainings in research administration to departments as requested. Serve as liaison and point of knowledge regarding research administrative ...
A six-week course is designed to train, educate and develop research administrators at the University of Nevada, Reno and is geared towards individuals who ...