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In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets.
It is also a valuable self- instruction source for professionals interested in the relation of neural network ideas to theoretical computer science and ...
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This book is a comprehensive introduction to the topic that stresses the systematic development of the underlying theory. Starting from simple threshold ...
The book closes with a review of self-organization and evolutionary methods, followed by a short survey of currently available hardware for neural networks. We ...
Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction

Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction

Book by Raúl Rojas
Neural networks are a computing paradigm that is finding increasing attention among computer scientists. In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial... Google Books
Originally published: July 12, 1996
Author: Raúl Rojas
This book describes recent theoretical advances in the study of artificial neural networks. It explores probabilistic models of supervised learning problems, ...
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This book presents a general theory of neural nets, starting from general laws, models, and biology. With numereous examples, illustrations, and references it ...
Jul 12, 1996 · This teaching package makes a brief induction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for people who have no previous knowledge of them, and explains the ...
Jun 29, 2013 · In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets.
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In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets.
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Neural networks are a computing paradigm that is finding increasing attention among computer scientists. In this book, theoretical laws and models.