Oct 1, 2024 · image/png : Portable Network Graphics (PNG); image/svg+xml : Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG); image/webp : Web Picture format (WEBP).
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Oct 1, 2024 · Common MIME types ;.png, Portable Network Graphics, image/png ;.pdf, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), application/pdf ;.php, Hypertext ...
This topic discusses the permanent, default and common/standard MIME types that are supported. To customize MIME types, refer to the Accusoft.PrizmViewer10.
The MIME type image/png is used to denote the presence of Portable Network Graphics format images. The category for this MIME type is "image".
Types are the most broad categories for files. They include text, image, audio, video, application, etc. Within each category are a number of subtypes.
Returns the MIME type of the image. The MIMEType must be one of the following: image/bmp, image/jpeg, image/x-png; image/png, or image/gif.
In information and communications technology, a media type, content type or MIME type is a two-part identifier for file formats and content formats.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) was devised starting in a discussion on newsgroup in 1995, with the first version of its specification ...
Sep 28, 2015 · Normally there isn't, but there are a couple of exceptions documented later in this answer. You need a Mime Type in order to know how to process a file.