Ìîæå áè èìàõòå ïðåäâèä: Nerf
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . Marry , bachelor , Her mother is the lady of the house , [ To her nurse . And a good lady , and a wife and ... nurfe . What is yon gentleman ? Nurfe . The fon and heir of old Tiberio . Jul . What's he that now is going out ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . They call for dates and quinces in the paftry . Enter Capulet . Cap . Come , ftir , ftir , ftir ! the fecond cock hath crow'd , The curfeu bell hath rung , ' tis three o'clock : - Look to the bak'd meats , good Angelica : Spare ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . Pray , Sir , what fawcy Fellow's he that's gone ? Marjun . A Gentleman , Nurfe , that loves to hear himfelf talk ' ; and will fpeak more in a Minute than he'll ftand to in a Month .. Nurfe . And he fpeak any thing against me , I ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . Peter , ftay at the gate . Jul . Now , good fweet nurfe- Oh Lord , why look'st thou fad ? Nurfe . I am weary , let me reft a while ; [ Exit Peter . Fy , how my bones ake , what a jaunt have I had ? Jul . Nay , come , I pray thee ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe to Prince Frederick , 200 .. Mrs Tuting , Nurfe to Prince William , 200 1 . Mrs Muttlebury , Nurfe to the Princess Royal , 2001 . Mrs Percy , Nurfe to Prince Edward , 200 / .. Mis Thurlby , Nurfe to Princefs Augufta Sophia ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe , Ruftie , tuftie , are you fo frolicke ? IndO O that you knew as much as I doc , twould coole you . Lelia . Why what know'ft thou Nurfe ? prithee tell me . Nurfe . Heauy newes y faith miftreffe , You must be matcht & married to a ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... nurfe . What is yon gentleman ? Nurfe . The fon and heir of old Tiberio . Jul . What's he , that now is going out of door ? Nurfe . That , as I think , is young Petruchio . Jul . What's he that follows here , that would not dance ? Nurfe ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . ] There's two Piftoles for you ; take ' em away , and bring ' em again to Morrow Morning . Nurfe . Thank your Honour : Come away , Children ; but first I muft deliver a Note to this Gentleman : Don Carlos , I am fure you ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . I pray you , Sir , what faucy merchant was this that was fo full of his roguery ? Rom . A gentleman , Nurfe , that loves to hear himself talk , and will speak more in a minute , than he will stand to in a month . Nurfe . An ' a ...
„Nurfe“ îò
... Nurfe . Now , God in heav'n blefs thee ! hark you , Sir . Rom . What fayeft thou , my dear nurfe ? Nurfe . Is your man fecret ? did you ne'er hear fay , Two may keep counsel , putting one away ? Rom . I warrant thee , my man's as true ...