... HumHub and Ning social platform, nevertheless, it achieves the highest detection rate of 0.99 on Humhub and lowest on Ning i.e. 0.97. 1 0.8 R P F 0.75 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 FPR 0.2 0 Oxwall Ning HumHub Elgg Applicaons Fig. 7. Observed FPR ...
... Humhub, Jcart and phpMyFAQ. Furthermore, in all web applications the observed rate of false negatives and positives are acceptable. We can observe from Table 1 that the performance of the proposed approach is nearly 95% as the maximum ...
... HumHub (https:// www.humhub.com/en), which was used by the expert assessor and peer asses- sors to rate pedagogical scenarios and submit expert and peer feedback to peer assessees. Participants rated two different ready-made scenarios ...
... Humhub social networking site . [ online ] Available at : https : // www.humhub.org/en . 18. Joomla social networking site . [ online ] Available at : https : // www . joomla.org/download.html . 19. Joshi , R. C. , & Gupta , B. B. ( eds ...
... HumHub system as our virtual social network [7]. This system has a familiar user interface (similar to other social networks, like facebook) and allows the creation of discussion “spaces” among users. Each user can create a new space ...
... humhub ist eine PlaWorm für die Erstellung und Verwaltung von sozialen Netzwerken . Man kann verschiedene Räume erstellen , um Inhalte zu posten , Kommentare zu schreiben , Umfragen zu erstellen und mehr . humhub ist besonders geeignet ...