Lyubomir Neikov from
... Lyubomir Neikov , and one by Vassil Siromahov . They presented competing visions . Neikov's team kept close to Tonev's ideas . It sought to keep Sofia in its borders , to promote infill development , and to create new public parks ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
... Neikov , Petur . Zavchera i vchera . Skitsi ot minaloto ( The day before yesterday , and yesterday . Sketches from the past ) . Sofia : Bulgarski pisatel , 1959 . Ognyanov , Lyubomir . Voinishkoto vůstanie 1918 ( The Soldiers ' Uprising ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
Shepherd has the true satirist’s grip on his pen: he is humorous, sympathetic,and ironic all at once.”—Boston Globe Before Garrison Keillor and Spalding Gray there was Jean Shepherd: a master monologist and writer who spun the ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
... Neikov . prints Prior to September the magazine 1921 Expressionist Calender and Ugly Prose . manifesting the way ... Lyubomir Levchev . - The Road to Freedom acquaints the English reader not only with Geo Milev's most outstanding ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
... Neikov Ms. Sonya Kostova Mr. Irena Dimitrova Mrs. Rumyana Nikolova Ms. Lyubomir Vasilev Minister Director, Administrative and Legal Services Director, Financial Management Director, Public Relations, Protocol and Information Service ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
... NEIKOV ) - -- Translations from Three Continents ( Yordan MilEV ) — Ancient Authors in Bulgarian ( Lyubomir B. PavlOV ) — Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in Bulgaria ( Georgi MladzhOV ) –– The Works of V. I. Lenin in Bulgaria ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
Called “the father of the modern action novel,” FIRST BLOOD changed the genre. Although the book and the film adaptation have similarities, they are very different, especially its unexpected ending and its greater intensity.
Lyubomir Neikov from
... Neikov , Arch . Hristo Berberov , Todor Borov , Ivan Penkov . Some of the most active members were : Percian Mirchev ... Lyubomir Ognyanov - Rizor , Dimiter Engezov , Evgeni Kotsev , Slav Slavov , Peter Kassabov , V. Yordanova , St ...
Lyubomir Neikov from
... Lyubomir , 94 , 101 , 128 , 130 , 142 Lilov , Aleksandur , 204 Lowenstein , James G. , 214 Lucey , Patrick J. , 260 ... Neikov , Dimiter , 46 Neto , Agostinho , 105-106 Nevsky , Alexander , 191 Nixon , Richard M. , 235 Novak ...