Three Reservists is a Bulgarian comedy-drama war film released in 1971, directed by Zako Heskiya, starring Georgi Partsalev, Kiril Gospodinov and Nikola ...
Rating (637)
In 1945, on the battlefields in Hungary, three Bulgarian soldiers from the reserve have to fight for the liberation of the country.
Three Reservists

Three Reservists

1971 ‧ Comedy/War ‧ 1h 37m
8.2/10 · IMDb
Three Reservists is a Bulgarian comedy-drama war film released in 1971, directed by Zako Heskiya, starring Georgi Partsalev, Kiril Gospodinov and Nikola Anastasov. The winter of 1945, the First Bulgarian Army is engaged in the battles for the... Wikipedia
Initial release: September 3, 1971
Director: Zako Heskiya
Screenplay: Pavel Vezhinov
A tragicomic account of the experiences of three Bulgarian soldiers from the reserve during World War II. This film is not currently playing on MUBI, ...
In 1945, on the battlefields in Hungary, three Bulgarian soldiers from the reserve have to fight for the liberation of the country.
A Bulgarian comedy-drama war film released in 1971, directed by Zako Heskiya, starring Georgi Partsalev, Kiril Gospodinov and Nikola Anastasov.
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