Learn these virtualization essentials—and more: Configure and manage a virtual machine’s CPU, memory, storage, and networking Distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 hypervisors Compare the leading hypervisor products in today’s market ...
* This will be the only complete virtualization reference on the market; brings all virtualization technologies together * Microsoft has shifted its training strategy to include virtual machine technology in all new ALS/MOC courses, which ...
Migrate to a dynamic, on-demand data delivery platform "If you're looking to hit the ground running with any virtualization project, large or small, this book is going to give you the start you need, and along the way will offer you some ...
With this guide, you get an overview of the five main types of virtualization technology, along with information on security, management, and modern use cases.
... virtualization project might seem like a slam- dunk , but it's important to determine whether virtualization is right for your organization . Also , although you might intuitively know that virtualization is a good idea , undoubtedly ...
This book details the requirements for such a project, includes sample forms and templates, and delivers several physical to virtual migration strategies which will save both time and costs.
In this text, Smith and Nair take a new approach by examining virtual machines as a unified discipline and pulling together cross-cutting technologies.
This essential guide includes: A thorough overview of virtualization security—actual and theoretical threats Step-by-step processes for securing the three leading hypervisors—VMware vSphereTM and ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V®, and Citrix ...