open science from
This open access book provides a broad context for the understanding of current problems of science and of the different movements aiming to improve the societal impact of science and research.
open science from
A fascinating look at Open Science and the democratization of knowledge in international development and social transformation.
open science from
This book provides researchers, decision makers, and other scientific stakeholders with a snapshot of the basics, the tools, and the underlying visions that drive the current scientific (r)evolution, often called ‘Open Science.’
open science from
This book identifies and explains the role of citizen science within innovation in science and society, and as a vibrant and productive science-policy interface.
open science from
This book is part of a trilogy with companion volumes on Radical Solutions & Learning Analytics and Radical Solutions & eLearning. This open access book presents how Open Science is a powerful tool to boost Higher Education.
open science from
The National Academies Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Science, established in 2019, has taken on an important role in addressing issues with open science.
open science from
This book is part of the vanguard of efforts to establish new norms of social science research.
open science from
This work was published by Saint Philip Street Press pursuant to a Creative Commons license permitting commercial use. All rights not granted by the work's license are retained by the author or authors.
open science from
... science over ... It is that we should create space for others ' ideas . This is necessary not only because it should continue to add to global science's awesome fund of knowledge , but also because it might help us ... Open Science 31.
open science from
The FAIR principles are used as a guide throughout the text, and this book should leave experimentalists consciously incompetent about data stewardship and motivated to respect data stewards as representatives of a new profession, while ...