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„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... New York State Library. 634 3-13729 639 2-28285 640 3-22845 647 3-22107 652 3 ... new conclusions but offers food for thought . Annals of Amer . Acad ... in author's garden , 70 miles from New York . How to Make a Flower Garden ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... in Author ( plays ) : Chowder ; Old Lavender . Surprise ; Mulligan's Silver Wedding ; The Major ; The Grip ; The Doyle Brothers ; Under Cover ; and others . Club : Players . Address : 310 Park Pl . , Brooklyn , N. Y. HARRINGTON ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... State Papers 328.734 United States Department of the Interior , Report ..... United States - General Land Office ... New York - Library Bulletin Cat . Room United States Bureau of Animal Industry . [ See under this heading in Author Catalogue ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
New South Wales state libr. New France . MD . New Guinea and Archipelago . MD . [ See also Motu Language ; Papuan ... in Author Catalogue . ] New Year . B. New York City . B. [ See also Brooklyn ; Chautauqua ; Cornell University ; Saratoga ; ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... in author- ity at the Gratwick Laboratory , information or critical appreciation of the subject matter of the paper in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of June 5th , 1913 , entitled ' An Etiological Factor in Carcinoma and Its ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
New York (State). [ Vol . 50 ] Education Department and improvements to the present school building be and the ... in author- izing the building and equipping of an addition to the high school maintained by the district . The res ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly. 1873. Loew , H.-T. pomonella ... New York Semi - Weekly Tribune , December 15 . Answer to letter of P. M. Augur ... in author's edition , pp . 3-6 . A discussion of the importance , as ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
United States. Engineers Corps. tional facilities . This policy was adopted by the Congress in author- izing the Playa del Rey project in the River and Harbor Act of 1954 . Accordingly , I am authorized by the Director of the Bureau of ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... In author's Nathaniel Hawthorne , American men of letters series ( Best Books 1902 ) Hawthorne's life is the primary consideration . Dial , 65 : 627 ; Nation , 108 : 202 . Atlantic classics , 2d ser . Atlantic Monthly Press $ 1.25 ...
„inauthor: New York (State)“ îò
... in author or title . In the case of a change in author or title the entire series may , as with periodicals , be entered under one form with a reference from the others , or the publications ap- pearing under each form may be cataloged ...