Роден: 1815 г.
Починал(а): 1862 г.
Дядо/баба: Хезекая Истман
Прадядо/прабаба: Pvt. Joseph Eastman
Книги: A Practical System of Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry: Containing Forms of Books and Practical Exercises, Adapted to the Use of the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant, and Professional Man ..., A Practical System of Book-keeping by Single Entry: Containing Three Different Forms of Books: Designed Respectively for the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant, A Practical System of Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry: Containing Forms of Books and Practical Exercises, Adapted to the Use of the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant, and Professional Man : to which is Added a Variety of Useful Forms for Practical Use, Viz. Notes, Bills, Drafts, Receipts, &c. : Also, a Compendium of Rules of Evidence Applicable to Books of Account, and of Law in Reference to the Collection of Promissory Notes, &c и още
Деца: Джордж Истман
Родители: Харви Истман