fake or predatory scientific conferences from
Corruption in Higher Education: Global Challenges and Responses discusses the magnitude of this phenomenon, its complexity, and the actions that are needed to mitigate it.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
... conferences prey on academics. Univer- sity Affairs, 5 March. ... Scientific articles accepted (personal checks, too). The New York Times, 7 April. ...
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
This witty, colloquial book is popular science at its best, describing in everyday language how genetics, epigenetics, microbiology, and psychology work together to influence our personality and actions.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
This book examines pseudoscience from a variety of perspectives, through case studies, analysis, and personal accounts that show how to recognize pseudoscience, why it is so widely accepted, and how to advocate for real science.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
The role of robots in society keeps expanding and diversifying, bringing with it a host of issues surrounding the relationship between robots and humans.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
In Calling Bullshit, Professors Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West give us a set of powerful tools to cut through the most intimidating data. You don’t need a lot of technical expertise to call out problems with data.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Conference on Data Information in Online Environments, DIONE 2021, which took place in March 2021.
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
These volumes bring together academic scientists, professors, research scholars and students to share and disseminate information on knowledge and scientific research works related to computing, networking, and informatics to discuss the ...
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing, Fuzzy Logic, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Representation, COgnitive Informatics, Artificial Neural network, Pervasive Computing, Programming ...
fake or predatory scientific conferences from
Co-sponsored by ISAJE and the scientific journal Addiction, the third edition of Publishing Addiction Science gives special attention to the challenges faced by researchers from developing and non-English-speaking countries and features new ...