„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
"This rich compendium on the lives and doctrines of philosophers ranges over three centuries, from Thales to Epicurus (to whom the whole tenth book is devoted); 45 important figures are portrayed.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
This rich compendium on the lives and doctrines of philosophers ranges over three centuries, from Thales to Epicurus (to whom the whole tenth book is devoted); 45 important figures are portrayed.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
This rich compendium on the lives and doctrines of philosophers ranges over three centuries, from Thales to Epicurus (to whom the whole tenth book is devoted); 45 important figures are portrayed.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
This rich compendium on the lives and doctrines of philosophers ranges over three centuries, from Thales to Epicurus (to whom the whole tenth book is devoted); 45 important figures are portrayed.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
... Diogenes Laertius , Lives of Eminent Philosophers , ii , Loeb Classical Library ( Cambridge , Mass . , 1925 ) , 7. 87. That is why Zeno was the first ... to designate as the end life in agreement with nature ... which is the same as the ...
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
Annotation This rich compendium on the lives and doctrines of philosophers ranges over three centuries, from Thales to Epicurus (to whom the whole tenth book is devoted); 45 important figures are portrayed.
„Diogenes Laertius Loeb“ îò
... Diogenes Laertius . Lives of Eminent Philosophers . Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries 50 ( Cambridge 2013 ) R. D. Hicks ( trans . ) , Diogenes Laertius . Lives of Eminent Philoso- phers , Loeb Classical Library 184 , 2 vols ...