Cadabra is a powerful computer program for the manipulation of tensor equations. It was designed for use in high energy physics.
We show how Cadabra language is easily implemented in the well established Python programming framework, gaining excellent flexibility and customization.
PDF | Cadabra is a new computer algebra system designed specifically for the solution of problems encountered in field theory. It has extensive.
MIRA'Style. Rated 0 stars out of 5. 0 reviews · Cadabra Group. Rated 5 stars out of 5. 1 review · Emika Wholesale Store. Rated 0 stars out of 5. 0 reviews.
A prototype computer algebra system is presented which features -like input, graph data structures, lists with Young-tableaux symmetries and a multiple- ...
Cadabra is a visualization studio that specializes in showcasing and enhancing design ideas with a primary focus placed on unbuilt architecture.
Cadabra might refer to:Cadabra, a computer algebra system for field theory problems Cadabra Design Automation, a former EDA company purchased by Numerical ...
DESCRIPTION. Xcadabra is a graphical front-end for the computer algebra system cadabra. SEE ALSO. cadabra(1). See the web ...
Cadabra: Tensor algebra and (quantum) field theory system using SymPy for scalar algebra. ChemPy: A package useful for chemistry written in Python. devito ...
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