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Oct 12, 2022 · The document discusses George Robert Twelves Hewes, a Bostonian involved in key events like the Massacre and the Tea Party in the 1700s.
A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language. 132, gotosleep ... 1,770. Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua. 304 ...
これは簡易版であり、 alloc/copy を呼び出し側で使わない注意が必要。 allocWithZone copyWithZone を実装することで Singleton の実装になる。
Mar 5, 2024 · On March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired upon a group of rowdy colonists, killing five and wounding others.
This painting, attributed to T. Ramsey, depicts one of the earliest representations of bathing machines in the world.
Oct 26, 2011 · Messages are Objective-C's special means of invoking a method on an object. In something like Java, you could do object.method(argument) in ...
... C and Objective-C. In this edition, catch up on the latest iOS programming features: Multiline strings and improved dictionaries, object serialization, key ...
In my app I want to add a splash view from my firstViewController and I do this in viewDidLoad: AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate*)[UIApplication ...
Object Details ; Physical Description: wool, linen (overall material): overshot (overall production method/technique) ; Measurements: overall: 86 in x 59 1/2 in; ...