Wabi Kusa is the art of forming a ball of substrate and arranging it with different aquatic plants. The ball of substrate will act as a support system that will help encourage the aquatic plants to grow emersed. This art form was made popular by Takashi Amano. Wabi Kusa stems from the term "wabi-sabi", which is a traditional Japanese philosophy described as appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature. This collection of plants do well in nano shallow pond aquariums as well!
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Ludwigia Super Red Mini

Ludwigia Super Red Mini

Mini Super Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia sp. “Super Red Mini”) Mini Super Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia sp. “Super Red Mini”) is an attractive and highly sought-after plant. Proper care and suitable water parameters...
Ludwigia Repens Dark Red - Windy City Aquariums

Ludwigia Repens Dark Red

NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 10th of May. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Hygrophila Pinnatifida - Windy City Aquariums

Hygrophila Pinnatifida

Hygrophila Pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy color underneath. The leaves can range from brown, purple, red, green, or yellow...
Staurogyne Repens - Windy City Aquariums

Staurogyne Repens

Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino in the southern Amazonas. Its nearest...
Rotala sp. Vietnam H'ra - Windy City Aquariums

Rotala sp. Vietnam H'ra

NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 26th of April. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Nesaea Pedicellata "Golden"

Nesaea Pedicellata "Golden"

Nesaea Pedicellata "Golden", or "Golden Nesaea" as it is commonly called, is one of the few plants in the trade with "gold" leaves. It is native to West Africa and features bright yellowish-green...
Rotala Macrandra - Windy City Aquariums

Rotala Macrandra

Rotala Macrandra, also known as Giant Red Rotala, is a beautiful red plant that orginates from Southern India. This species of Rotala is slightly more demanding compared to other Rotala variations, but...
Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly

Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly

Rotala Macrandra Mini, also known as Rotala Macrandra Mini Butterfly, is a beautiful red plant that has smaller, more delicate leaves compared to the regular Rotala Macrandra. This species is...
Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei) - Windy City Aquariums

Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei)

Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei) is an easy plant with silver-splashed leaves that originates from China and Vietnam.  It's generally an easy grower and is a great beginner plant. It can be...
Rotala Bonsai

Rotala Bonsai

Rotala Indica Bonsai, also commonly known as Rotala Bonsai or Ammania Bonsai, is a rare species of Rotala that has small compact oval shaped leaves. It is much slower growing than most other stem...