In astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. It is the sign assigned to those born from around October 24 to about November 21. While it has become common for those with birthdays on either end of that spectrum to flip flop between the bookending signs of Libra and Sagittarius, you’re a proud Scorpio and would not dare betray your allegiance, even if you don’t like your horoscope for a given day, week, month, or year. And in being proud, you want to get a tattoo to honor sign. There are some obvious concepts, and some that require a little more thought. Have a look at the Scorpio tattoo ideas below to find one that best connects to your personality and preferences.

5 Tattoo Concepts for Those Who Are Born Under the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio

Scorpion (of course)

Scorpio Tattoo Ideas Vancouver BC

The obvious choice remains to be the most badass choice. When we were all kids and comparing who had the coolest zodiac sign Scorpios always won because what’s cooler than the predatory arachnid? Nothing! The variation in the photo above (work completed at SOH Tattoo) is an example of how to make the concept even more striking.

Scorpion “M” Glyph

Scorpio Tattoo Ideas Vancouver BC

You may have seen your zodiac sign represented via what looks like an M and have been left a little confused. Scorpio’s glyph (a hieroglyphic character or symbol) is an M with a barbed tail turning upward. The symbol signifies the creation and destruction that’s inherent in Scorpio. Some even believe it represents the female and male sex organs and the creation of new life. Take away from it what you will, but it’s certainly an applicable Scorpio tattoo idea, especially if your first, middle, and/or last name begins with an “M”.


Scorpio Tattoo Ideas Constellation

Given the astrological nature of zodiac symbols, the corresponding constellation for Scorpio makes perfect sense as a tattoo. Moreover, celestial tattoos have become very popular as people continue to get better connected to their Universe. Scorpius is a constellation that is found in the Southern celestial hemisphere. It sits near the center of the Milky Way, between Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east (as per what we stated in the introduction). View more specific visual representations of what the constellation looks like here.


Scorpio is related to the Greek legend of the scorpion that stung the supernaturally strong hunter Orion to death. For you, Orion may represent challenges that you have overcome and/or will overcome in the future. View images of Orion in Greek mythology which would make for an amazing realism black & grey tattoo.

Ready to turn one of the Scorpio tattoo ideas above into a reality? If located in or visiting the Greater Vancouver BC area be sure to schedule a consultation at SOH Tattoo today.

Written By:

Sleight of Hand

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