2 What is the primary purpose of 1 point a pontic in a fixed partial denture A To stabilize the prosthesis B To replace missing teeth C To connect the abutments D To prevent decay E To improve...


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2. What is the primary purpose of * 1 point a pontic in a fixed partial denture? A. To stabilize the prosthesis B. To replace missing teeth C. To connect the abutments D. To prevent decay E. To improve aesthetics 3. Which type of fixed partial * 1 point denture is indicated when there is only one abutment tooth available adjacent to a single missing tooth? A. Cantilever bridge B. Maryland bridge C. Conventional bridge D. Resin-bonded bridge E. Implant-supported bridge

Answer & Explanation


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#### Solution By Steps ***Step 1: Primary Purpose of a Pontic*** The primary purpose of a pontic in a fixed partial denture is to **replace missing teeth**. ***Step 2: Type of Fixed Partial Denture for One Abutment Tooth*** When there is only one abutment tooth available adjacent to a single missing tooth, the indicated type of fixed partial denture is a **Maryland bridge**. #### Final Answer A. To replace missing teeth B. Maryland bridge #### Key Concept Fixed Partial Dentures #### Key Concept Explanation Fixed partial dentures are dental prostheses used to replace missing teeth. Different types, like Maryland bridges, are used based on the number and position of abutment teeth available for support.

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