Halfmoon Betta Quick Facts!

Betta Fish News Medium Club
2 min readJul 26, 2021

Thanks for checking out this quick article on the need to know info on the Halfmoon Betta care guide. This is taken from a more in depth article that can give you a lot of more insight on this subject. Check out more details here:

Half Moon Betta

Half moon betta is a really cool type of betta that refers to the tail and they way that it looks like half a moon.The 180 degree tail looks like one of those old school fans.
They are available in many colors and patterns for their scales, fins and tails.

Dumbo Halfmoon Betta

This refers to the amazing tails and fins that the dumbo halfmoon betta is an amazing choice as the tail fins look like an elephant ears.
We did a complete article on them here:

White Halfmoon Betta

Here is a nice picture showing the white halfmoon betta in all its splendor.

Halfmoon Butterfly Betta

Here is a nice picture showing the halfmoon butterfly betta, a really nice looking pet!

Halfmoon Betta Female

Most times, the female halfmoon bettas are smaller and duller in color than the males. Halfmoons bodies are usually 2 or 3 inches long, including their tails. It is really important to NEVER put 2 males in the same tank as they will fight to the death!


Thanks for reading! We wish you all the best on your fishkeeping journey.
Please check out the article and your free downloadable PDF Halfmoon Bertta Care guide here:

Written by Tom Baxter, Betta Fish News



Betta Fish News Medium Club

Tom Baxter has spend decades keeping and learning about Betta fish. He loves the challenges and joys he has learned about and shares on www.bettafishnews.club