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Bee Venom Collector, a product developed by Chung Jin Biotech, is designed to collect the bee venom by giving electro-stimulation to a live bee. From its world-class quality, it was awarded with a new device patent and a new technology certificate for its excellence.
As the technology has no substantial impact on previous bee-farming (collecting honey and pollen etc) and the living condition of the bee itself, it is a blue ocean creating a new source of income. The Bee Venom Collector by Chungjin Biotech can help you change your business. The core difference between Chungjin Biotech’s Bee Venom Collector over others lies in the low death rate of the bees. It has 12V input and output with a fuse that increases the safety. Moreover, a lamp has been installed as visual indicator for amateur users to be able to use with ease.

The machine is operated as following: Place the collecting plate horizontally leveled in front of the wooden beehive gate. Connect a battery to the controller and turn on the power when bees rest on the collecting plate. This will stimulates bees causing them to sting the glass plate and emit their venom. After a certain amount of time, turn off the power and dry the venom, and then separate the glass plate from the collecting plate and scrape the dried venom off with a scraper.

Bee-venom collected as such is often used for medicinal purposes. Bee-venom therapy that uses bees directly is not only inconvenient but also problematic for medical use, as the injection amount cannot be controlled. However, as the Bee Venom Collector can extract the venom from bees in a natural state, it is being greatly welcomed in medical field. As bee-farming industry is suffering from the saturated market with honey and other bee related products and declined production from climate change, the Bee Venom Collector by Chungjin Biotech is leading customers into a new market.
In the effort to create the world where human and nature can coexist, we succeeded in developing bee venom collector using solar cell. Upgrading from consumable batteries to semi-permanent solar cell, which is cost effective and easy to operate and manage from its reduced weight. A controller has been installed inside the bee venom collecting plate, which allows it to be installed on and off convenient in transportation. It is equipped with a display monitor that allows convenient operation through easy status check. By using the solar cell, the product helps to prevent excessive battery waste contributing for the welfare of human being and the environment.

A brand-new bee venom collector that helps you to maximize the venom collection with less effort. You can connect many frames at once and control by using one controller.